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Introducing Deathmatch Free For All Server from LamdaProCS CSGO Team. |

Today we are eager to announce the most awaited CSGO Mod Free For All Deathmatch is live. Currently Retake 2 server has been exchanged from Retake to Deathmatch Server.


1) Free For All - Everyone in the server is enemies including people in your Team from team selection menu. This is complete Deathmatch for 1 hour on any maps.
2) Gun Selection - With Gun Menu selection you can get any Assault Rifles on the Server except Auto Snipers, No SMGs , Shotguns , MGs . Pistols are also all available.
3) Health Restore on Kill - Basically for every kill you will make your health will regenerate upto 25 HP and 50 HP if you do a Headshot.
4) Ammo Replenish - Your ammo will get replenish only the reserve magazine which are still left to be used will be full.
5) No Scope Detector and Sounds - Every time you make a NoScope with AWP or Scout weapons the server will notify every player about your NoScope and also a Sound , there are 2 Sounds UltraKill which is for normal NoScope and if a headshot+ NoScope it will be GodLike

[Work in Progress] - Knife Kill Sound - A Custom sound to be played when you will do a Knife kill to other players.

1) !guns - Shows all the available Guns - Random Option is also enabled so everytime you spawn will give you new weapon. Has Primary Weapon Selection for Assault Rifles and Secondary weapon for Pistols Selection.
2) !calladmin - If you would like to report a player for breaking rules that is for either Cheating and using Hacks or also being Toxic on the server you can report it directly via Server using !calladmin function , this function will send a report to our Online Admins about the specific player with reason, so with Logs and other Support we can keep the server as well as community clean.
3) !commands - To see all the available commands. [This command is sometime buggy , we are stil working on fix for this.]
4) Console Command `noscope` This will give you total number of noscopes you have done in the entire game / round.

All the major Functions and Commands are still left to be added. Will be updated soon here.

Connect today and enjoy our services.